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15 Year Celebration

Updated: Oct 11, 2019

November 2018 marked the 15 year anniversary of Mustard Seed Orphanage in Myanmar helping orphans and widows. From small and meagre beginning the orphanage has grown over the years through Gods blessing and help. Many have worked very hard over the years which has born fruit as we see some of the older kids move out from the orphanage and start families of their own, earn a living, or go onto further their studies at university or theological school.

Timothy presenting a plague to Johanna to acknowledge her help over the years in starting up the orphanage.

Celebrating Orphans Graduating from High School

As part of the 15 year celebration in November, we also celebrated the graduation of 4 young adults from high school, 1 receiving 2 distinctions and another receiving 1 distinction. Each of the young adults is considering attending Dagon University through a correspondence course. They will find out over the next few months if they have positions and at that time we will be seeking financial assistance for their studies. Additional information about the 4 students will be posted when available. Each of the students received an award from Albert Sanders (Johanna's oldest son). One of the girls and boy is pictured on left and centre images below. They were very pleased and happy as you can see.

... And University

We also recognised the achievement of Emily who has just completed her first year studies at Dagon University in Yangon and received 2 distinctions while studying a course in Geography through correspondence learning. What an achievement! Emily (image below on right receiving award from Albert Sanders) will be starting her second year next year. We are seeking anyone who would like to sponsor her studies (~$1,000 USD/year)

Message From Julian and Kids Performances

Julian Bull from Perth Australia (image on left below) gave a message from Gods word from the book of James emphasising the trust and care that must be taken when looking after orphans. This was translated into Burmese by the gentleman to Julians left. What a privilege we have to share in this work but Julian reminded us through Gods word that we always need to remain careful and vigilant. The kids did a number of performances, one is shown below in middle image while other kids wait outside for their turn.

Celebration Lunch

About 150 people attended the celebrations which included the orphans from Yangon and Shan State, guests from around Myanmar and several guests from overseas. The event was followed by a lunch for all attending the celebration. Kids had a great time. Everyone helped out with the lunch, young men helped build the sheltering the day before so everyone could stay cool during lunch, one of the widows fixed the kids clothes (does this all the time), others cooked, other cleaned up afterwards, others organised, while others made banners and arts and crafts.

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